Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute Shared Success Delivering Empowerment Through Practical Over Technical Knowledge Sharing Practices

Earth Sustaining Sciences, research and knowledge sharing platform The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute, founded to design, advance and implement intergenerationally adaptive sustaining societal, resources, Ecological/environmental and cultivation/agricultural solutions, focuses upon all-natural, low-risk, minimum change for maximum benefit solutions. The institute delivers practical/technical ecosocietal prosperity learning models that seamlessly integrate societally appropriate, commercially viable, science supported, engineered sustainable management systems. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute progressively developed a series of all-natural processes that deliver both environmental systems rehabilitation and plant growth biostimulation coupled with high level all-natural biological soil enrichment.  The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute, curriculum, that ranges from children’s, and family learning to high-level tertiary societal advancement and ecosocietally focused industry support programs. It presents techniques and applications particularly effective in developing & delivering ecosocietal management, and environmental cultivation/agricultural development to in-need locations with varying water and soil quality,  allowing maximum rehabilitation potential by utilising enhanced natural systems to yield fully natural biogenic solutions. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute knowledge sharing practices are supportive of culturally endorsed traditional, and contemporary society methodologies, and effective in both domestic, and commercial scales; allowing economic advancement in a framework that strengthens positive beneficial intergenerationally adaptive prosperous outcomes. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute also follows the methods and systems of the late Bill Mollison, the brilliant, pragmatic behaviouralist, researcher, author, scientist, teacher, and biologist considered to be the ‘father of permaculture.’  

Ecosocietal Environmental & Agricultural Research, Knowledge Sharing & Deliverable Solutions

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute Knowledge Sharing Texts Examples

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute Shared Success Series

The Shared Success Series authored by Wayne Sampey with Carter Edwards, Daemon de Chaeney, Richard Barker, Terry Haines, and Carol Ridgeway-Bissett, is a ten volume compete Ecosocietal Management Program, which can be utilized as individual courses or combined into a single study series. When combined with the institute 5-part SymECulture/Permaculture Program, which differs from other Permaculture courses in that is it a course of study entirely based upon the work and texts of Bill Mollison, completed in detail as a combination with SymECulture additions over 1 to 5 years with a potential two year further extension. Combined it forms the complete 15-part Ecosocietal Shared Success curriculum consisting of 20 supplied texts.  The Shared Success Series (currently 3600 pages in ten volumes) has been designed for all those in community,  who are on their way to making it in life as well as those in industry and community management. Risk and opportunity will be in front of all tomorrow’s people just as it was to all of yesterdays. However, those who are less than prepared for risk and opportunity are more exposed to Risk than Opportunity! So, as one of tomorrow’s hopefuls in the opportunity stakes, you need to put into practice the fundamentals that the Shared Success Series reinforces:

  • Shared Success in Society,
  • Shared Success in Business, 
  • Shared Success in Management Of Change,
  • Shared Success in Dynamics, 
  • Shared Success in Health, Safety and Risk, 
  • Shared Success in SymECulture 
  • Shared Success in Ecosocietal Ecology, 
  • Shared Success Community-Industrial Partnerships; A Complete Environmental & Societal Impact Approach

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute has a focus upon intergenerationally sustainable use of water, land and natural resources recognising there are those who are well aware of the increasing pressures on communities to be self-reliant,  but only able to manage their lifestyle through subsistence farming. The migration of young farmers to cities for employment and a more diverse lifestyle has reduced the opportunity for communities to maintain the land or further develop to improve commercialism where the current economics offer little promise. This scenario can be reversed with planning and application of practical solutions. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Group through The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute have solutions pathways to advance the ecosocietal sustainability of industries, ecologies and communities utilising minimum change for maximum benefit systematic partnerships with governments, industries and communities, community owned businesses and off-take joint ventures that returns sustainable tripartite (community, industry, government) incomes.

Bill Mollison’s “Permaculture” A Designers Manual (Tagari Publications) (Lisa Mollison)

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute, founded and implement intergenerationally sustainable societal, resources, environmental and agricultural solutions, focuses upon all-natural, low risk, minimum change for maximum benefit, immediately focused on the guidance and guidelines of Bill Mollison’s, “Permaculture A Designers Manual” (available from Tagari Publications). The institute delivers practical/technical ecosocietal prosperity learning models that seamlessly integrate societally appropriate, commercially viable, science supported, engineered sustainable management systems. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute the Earth Sustaining Sciences allied research and development, and education and training institute  that delivers a wide range of bespoke  research programs and education and training services across mining, industry, agriculture and environmental/ecology systems rehabilitation and plant growth biostimulation coupled with high level all-natural biological soil enrichment.  The institute presents techniques and applications particularly effective in delivering effective ecosocietal environmental agricultural development to in-need locations with varying water and soil quality,  allowing maximum crop potential by utilizing enhanced natural systems to yield fully organic produce. The Earth Sustaining Sciences techniques are supportive of culturally endorsed traditional farming methodologies from small to commercial scales; allowing economic advancement in a framework that strengthens positive outcomes, assisting communities to enter wider markets.  The institute develops and delivers its own curriculum that range from children’s and family learning to high-level tertiary and industry support programs.

Biogenic Commercial Polyculture Permaculture

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute embodies the methods and systems of the late Bill Mollison, the father of Permaculture and founder of Tagari publications, a brilliant, pragmatic researcher, author, scientist, teacher and biologist. Bill Mollison´s Permaculture is an integrated system of design which Bill Mollison co-developed with David Holmgren. It encompasses not only agriculture, horticulture, architecture, and ecology, but also economic systems, land access strategies, and legal systems for businesses and communities. Bill Mollison founded The Permaculture Institute in Tasmania and created a training system to lead others under the umbrella of Permaculture. Bill Mollison’s system of train the trainer has taught thousands of people how to grow food and be sustainable using the Permaculture method. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute has advanced these principles of Permaculture and in association with the Tilligerry Permaculture Research and Education Farms, continues to support  volunteer shared success intergenerationally sustainable projects. Permaculture provides guidance in commercially sustainable and commercially viable mining, resources, agriculture, environmental processes and technologies, delivering intergenerational solutions from grassroots to board rooms. The primary focus is the sustainable remediation of real issues that affect biodiversity and society. Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute is a centre for biotechnology research and development, IP management, Permaculture, rehabilitation and education where the curriculum is focused on strategic, economic, intergenerationally sustainable environmental solutions. The institute has an ecosocietal (combined commercial, environmental, societal) delivery model: Our community prosperity and education initiatives deliver practical over technical intergenerational sustainability over quick cash and fairness in societal equity over outright monopolization. The institute’s primary aim is to bring these values and capabilities to resources, mining, agriculture and community rehabilitation providers in a commercially appropriate  sustainable manner. In addition to teaching the applied sciences, technologies and practices developed by Earth Sustaining Sciences, the institute applies the teachings of Bill Mollison. The courses and program are designed to cater for all language groups and participant prior knowledge levels. The fundamental requisite is willing participants in developmental processes that enable immediate engagement and practical/technical achievement. The sustainable environmental management training program is designed to promote fast tracked skills acquisition and delivery, along with the formation of local community or service entity contracting opportunities to deliver simple and appropriate engineering, construction and operational deliverables in the realms of disturbed lands management and rehabilitation, the treatment and management of water and landscapes, and providing sustainable intergenerational incomes and outcomes. The ultimate goal is minimal harm corporate, commercial and community activity, supported by the application of robust systems. A most important position is the unification of stakeholders in a tripartite model, (industry, community and government) to drive and deliver economic, environmental and societal sustainability through the management of issues caused by or contributed to by natural, mining, industrial or agricultural disturbance or effluent. High value low-cost solution deliveries which have the potential to enable intergenerational local community operated environmental management projects, especially in the areas of mine affected water and mine closure rehabilitation management, can quickly become a reality.