Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology

Global Reportable Solutions Achievements

1. Gold mine uranium reduction from above 30 µg/L to zero in 360 hrs
2. Polymetals mine radionuclide reduction from above 110 µg/L to zero in 24 hrs
3. Gold mine arsenical pit lake water 890 μg/L to 3 μg/L in 24 hrs
4. Platinum mine metalliferous discharge water 4.3 pH to 6.9 pH in 24 hrs
5. Acid refinery heavily metalliferous and organics contaminated discharge water 0.5 pH to 3.9 pH in 48 hrs
6. Phosphogypsum heavily metalliferous water 1.5 pH to 6.1pH in 48 hrs
7. Coal mine heavily metalliferous pit water 1.9 pH to 6.4 pH in 60 hrs
8. Coal fired power station water 9.8 pH to 5.3 pH in 60 hrs and to 6.5 pH in a further 20 hrs
9. Coal fired power station fly ash 9.8 pH to 5.3 pH in 60 hrs and to 6.5 pH in a further 20 hrs
10. Coal mine heavily metalliferous underground decant water 1.5 pH to 5.6 pH in 60 hrs
11. Coal mine underground decant water 2.5 pH to 5.4 pH in 24 hrs and to 7.4 pH in 260 hrs
12. Copper mine effluent from 2.25 pH to 7.2 pH in 12 hours and 6.5 pH to 7.8 pH in 4 hrs
13. Gold mine tailings storage heavily metalliferous and organics contaminated water 4.3 pH to 5.5 pH in 24hrs
14. Gold mine waste dump heavily metalliferous water 1.5 pH to 6.5 pH in 24hrs
15. Gold mine heap leach heavily metalliferous and organics contaminated water 1.5 pH to 6.5 pH in 24hrs
16. Gold mines waste dump heavily metalliferous water 1.5 pH to 6.5 pH in 24hrs
17. Iron ore mine heavily metalliferous pit water 2.46 pH to pH 7 pH in 24 hrs
18. Copper processing effluent from 3.76 pH to 7.4 pH in 23 hrs
19. Copper processing effluent from 2.1 pH to 7.2 pH
20. Fly River PNG metalliferous water 6.02 pH to 7.4 pH in 12 hrs
21. Fly River riparian and agricultural metalliferous soil 5.51 pH to 7.65 pH in 12 hrs
22. Pyrite processing effluent from 5.5 pH to 7.8 pH in 12 hrs
23. Bauxite & Alumina effluent and red mud tailings from 13.8 pH to below 7 pH in 50 hrs
24. Mine pit lake salinity 25 ppt reduced by 66% to 8.9 ppt (2014) in 168 hrs
25. Gold mine poisoned wetland systems remediated to comprehensive growth in 700 hrs
26. Gold mine contaminated soils remediated from zero to comprehensive growth in 2,000 hrs
27. Seawater salinity 35 ppt reduced by 71% in 72hrs. (2015)
28. Sustainable vegetation growth in highly contaminated tailings materials in 130 hrs
29. Crop biostimulation increasing growth by up to 300% and advancing germination by up to 30%
30. Acidic metalliferous tailings drainage-degraded old growth vegetation rehabilitated in 400 hrs
31. Desalination of up to 99% in agricultural water and soils (2017)
32. SABRBODS process laboratory project has delivered >95% seawater desalination (2017) all effluent usable
33. Bionutrification of chemical saturated farm, saline soils to achieve stable commercial crop growth (2017)
34. Bionutrification of chemical saturated farm, saline soils to achieve stable commercial crop growth (2019)
35. Bauxite & Alumina effluent and red mud tailings from 13.8 pH to below 7 pH in 50 hrs (2019)
36. Bionutrification of polyculture farm soils to achieve stable commercial crop growth (2019)
37. Bionutrification of polyculture farm soils to achieve stable commercial crop growth (2019)
38. Desalination and Bionutrification of farm soils to commercial crop (2019)
39. Legacy gold mine 2.91 pH to 7.5 pH in 4 hrs (2020)
40. Legacy gold mine 4.25 pH to 7.62 pH in 4 hrs (2020)
41. Legacy gold mine 8.47 pH to 7.61 pH in 4 hrs (2020)
42. Seawater desalination from 33.63 ppt to 0.98 ppt in 12 hours (2020)