Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology

The SymECulture System

Growing Tomorrow Today
Revolutionising faster & stronger better tasting sustainable cultivation

It’s a known fact that the soils in most countries are becoming increasingly depleted of microbes and minerals required for healthy plant growth and successful harvests. This demonstrates a reasoning why trees and other plants are struggling to produce quality fruits and vegetables without significant amounts of both organic and chemical fertilisers being applied. Most of which are minimally absorbed by the plant with a generous portion being washed into our river systems or blown away in the wind. Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Biotechnology, through our SymECulture (Symbiotic Ecological Cultivation) Systems, has created a range of minimal-risk simplex and complex concentrates, and bioelixirs that supercharge soils, cultivation mediums, and plants with all-natural living bacteria and beneficial fungi creating optimum growing conditions. These biological systems form the foundation of plant nutrient uptake processes widely proven to speed growth, increase yield, taste and vibrancy while reducing production costs.
The SymECulture process conditions soils and demonstrates water and other savings in production.
SymEFarm seed planted Avocado tree at four month׳s growth Sept. 2023.
Seedling SymESoil root development
SABR Biosecure-Bioorganics as the Fundamental Cornerstone of Soil:

In principle, all organic materials can be transformed into soil, developing growth, improved medium bulk, and biological circumstance; yet it is widely considered that organic material should only constitute 5% of most mineral soils. A superior Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology approach; the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor Soil process (SABRSoil/SymESoil) maximizes synergistic beneficial biota and bioorganic matter, which in addition to soil conditioning, provide vital nutrients support, especially to the rhizosphere region (plant roots vicinity) in which the soil chemistry and microbiology stability is influenced by both internal plant and external biology in nutrient exchange, respiration, and growth. The bioorganic soil components include manifolds of synergistic living organisms, fresh organic residue, and active and stabilised bioorganic matter fractions. Usually, generally, the living soil component, a small fraction of the soil, includes the majority of microbes. The active organic matter is generally unstable and more than 85% of it rapidly disappears as decomposition progresses. However, in the case of the SABRSoil process, these percentages are more beneficially managed. Humus, a complex mixture of organic substances resistant to further decomposition and over time significantly modified from the original form is usually the most abundant and stable soil organic matter component; containing substances that during the process of decomposition have been synthesised by soil organisms.

The SymECulture process, both in cultivation mediums, and all-natural bionutrifying elixirs developed through 35 years of research and extensive testing alongside the Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Aquatic Bioreactors (SABR), has now been globally proven in multiple soils compounds and complexes, growing conditions, and climates, to radically, all-naturally, and economically enhance sustainable cultivation.

In combination with the SABR process, the world’s only proven all-natural, economic, environmentally viable proven solution for process affected 0-14 pH metalliferous and metalloid laden water & soils management, SymECulture, delivers rapid agricultural soil remediation and rehabilitation, additionally providing cost effective superior natural crop growth by developing and advancing sustainable multichannel bionutrification methodologies.

A major component, is arbuscular mycorrhiza, a class of mutualistic, plant root-associated fungi, believed to have helped make possible the territorialization of modern land plants. As obligate mutualists, arbuscular mycorrhiza, are usually dependent on their host plants for carbon in the form of photosynthesis-derived sugars and fatty acids. In return, arbuscular mycorrhiza, provide mineral nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen to their hosts by accessing soils at further distances especially in soils with greater granularity and soil spatial management.

In the early 2000′s, The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute drove their developing thesis′ in biochemical, genetic, transcriptomic, and physiological approaches to investigate nitrogen and phosphorus signalling in the regulation of symbiotic relationships between arbuscular mycorrhizae, and host plants. This significantly reduced knowledge gaps in plant nutrient uptake both with and without mutualists (mutualism describes the ecological interaction between two or more species where each species has a net benefit).

Mutualism is a common form of ecological interaction. Prominent examples include most vascular plants engaged in mutualistic interactions with mycorrhizae, flowering plants being pollinated by animals, and vascular plants being dispersed by animals. Mutualism can be contrasted with interspecific competition, in which each species experiences reduced fitness, and exploitation, or parasitism, where one species benefits at the expense of the other. When correctly applied, mutualism is simply highly beneficial. SymECulture systems were developed with the plan of decreasing agricultural dependency on costly synthetic fertilisers, which often result in associated outcomes producing ecological and environmental distress.

BioNutrifying SymESolution Elixirs
BioNutrifying SymESoil Cultivation Mediums