Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology

For The Planet With The Planet

Intergenerationally Adaptive Ecosocietal Solutions
Ecologies – Environments – Agricultures – Resources – Societies

The Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology advanced the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR) Process, the world’s only proven all-natural, economic, environmentally viable process affected 0-14 pH water and soil remediation and rehabilitation solution additionally provides cost effective organic crop and natural growth developing and advancing sustaining multichannel bionutrification methodologies. As specialists in intensive cultivation biodevelopment, The Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Biotechnology delivers world-first natural, cost-effective rhizosphere and phyllosphere enhancing microbiological processes and systems. Sampey, created and perfected the all-natural Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor process (SABR) that economically and expediently delivers acid mine, acid rock drainage water and soils solutions proven remediation from less than 0.5 pH to neutral and  high pH industrial effluent solutions, in soils and clays (proven remediation from greater than 13.8 pH to neutral). Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Biotechnology extends to, BioSolve, BioStim, BioGrow, BioNute, BioMax, BioActivate, BioBind, BioSeal, BioBoard, BioBrick, and SymECulture systems. BioBrick is an in-field manufactured process for flooring, paving and building bricks from almost any sands, and soils including volcanic sands, and beach sands. This is supplemented by the formulation of Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Biotechnology, BioBoard, the creation of locally in-field or centrally produced, lightweight, high-strength, highly economic compressed fibre framed or frame-less construction board, block, and panel structure building materials from grasses; some of which demonstrate high-levels of fire retardancy. SymECulture systems, Symbiotic Biotechnology  created the world’s first all-natural, economic Bioorganic Desalination System SABRBODS, which has delivered 66% salinity reduction in African, Papua New Guinea, and Australian mine waters, 95% salinity reduction in high salinity agricultural soils and greater than 98% in agricultural seawater desalination. Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) Symbiotic Biotechnology recently further perfected SymECulture (Symbiotic Ecological Cultivation) high quality, high yield,  reduced cost, all-natural intergenerationally adaptive cultivation advancement processes. The processes utilise naturally developed biological, biogenic and biosphere benign methods, providing minimum change for maximum benefit solutions and ecosocietally prosperous outcomes. Sampey realised that studies into plants’ hosting of diverse communities of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, archaea, and protists demonstrated that there was no real understanding of the full effect on the Phyllosphere of any given plant by the majority of microbial colonists. Sampey founded SymECulture systems, and Symbiotic Biotechnology after he considered that the majority of global research was into Rhizospheric effects. Hence, SymECulture systems, Symbiotic Biotechnology developed SymECulture, Symbiotic Ecological Cultivation, an ontogenesis research approach, following many years of self-funded research and development of the process of symbiotically coupling multiple fine-tuned plant biostimulation variables, primarily anchored by tailored biostimulated and matured natural microbiota soil and cultivation medium structuring processes. Matured minimal risk natural microbiota bionutrient enrichment and management processes followed, delivering final success in January 2019. The extension of SymECulture through research into the symbiotic characteristics of plant Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere microbial life led to the development of fully enriched Phyllosphere advancing processes and vastly improved plant derived biopharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.

Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR)
Sampey first developed the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor SABR process,  then a series of other stand-alone and complimentary biotechnologies over 30-years, and placed the management of the biotechnology and advancements of the process with The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute, and The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute Symbiotic Biotechnology. The Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor process (SABR) now delivers expanded multiple solutions including treatment of extreme acidic mine and mineral effluent, extreme alkaline process effluent and other mineral, process, agricultural, natural event and salinity affected waters and soils. The process based upon the understanding founded in the development of symbiotic microbiological manifolds (bacteria and elements working in unison, creating treatment colonies to act upon constituents in a manner not before delivered that all-naturally creates a set of desired outcomes). Conversely the process relies as much upon opposing microbiology to deliver assured success. The SABR process, derived from complex manifestations is now a simply delivered solution that is to yet meet it nemesis, following solutions provision to challenges across the globe. Every treatment scenario approached has been delivered a successful set of solutions. The SABR process can be applied to economically and naturally treat affected effluents and waters to a level allowing effective utilization, disposal on-site, or discharged off-site with negligible risk, within compliance requirements. The SABR approach is to free a location of unwanted water volume through the utilization of tailored symbiotic bioreactors to reduce or remove metals, metalloids and sulfates, therefore reducing contamination of environments. The SABR process can be equally applied to economically and naturally treat soils and lands to deliver compliance requirements. The SABR-Soil process can be easily followed by the SABR BioSolve, BioStim, BioGrow and BioNute processes (SABR derived) to fully remediate and rehabilitate contaminated, nutrient deficient or depleted soils to ecological, environmental and agricultural requirements increasing societally beneficial applications. Earth Sustaining Sciences SymECulture systems,  will continue demonstrated effective solutions experienced in Australia, Oceania, Asia, United States, Middle East, China, Mongolia, Africa, and Papua New Guinea with the support of governments, regulatory authorities, commercial operators and communities Acid Mine Drainage and Process Affected Water remediation project thus attempted, which is more than 40. To date solutions have been effective in coal mines, gold mines, copper mines and processing effluent, platinum mines, iron ore mines, phosphate refining effluent, phosphogypsum effluent, acid refinery effluent, rare earth poly mineral effluent, power station effluent, fly ash improvement and fly ash effluent, tailings facilities in coal, gold, iron ore and phosphate operations and remediation of disturbed ecology and reinvigoration of riverine, riparian, wetland and soil systems.  The achievement of the biotechnology to remediate the extreme alkalinity of Bauxite processing residue “Red Mud” and desalinate seawater by > 95% are major advancements with potentials for significant Ecosocietal Prosperity advancement especially in agricultural and environmental applications.

Earth Sustaining Sciences SymECulture Bionutrification
Immediately realisable all natural biogenic biotechnology solutions for cultivation

BioStim Complex
The Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) BioStim Complex, is a highly economic regenerable biological bionutrification general growth stimulation solution liquor created from complex bioorganic. A natural soil and plant biostimulant containing microorganisms whose function when applied to soils and the rhizosphere (the region of soil in the vicinity of plant roots in which the chemistry and microbiology is influenced by their growth, respiration, and nutrient exchange) is to stimulate natural processes to enhance/benefit nutrient uptake efficiency, crop quality, and the plant’s tolerance of abiotic stress. Natural biostimulants are a critical ingredient in sustainability and can dramatically reduce the use of ecologically oppressing chemical enhancement and fertilisation. Plant biostimulants contain substance(s) or micro-organisms whose function when applied to plants or the rhizosphere is to stimulate natural processes to enhance/benefit nutrient uptake, efficiency, and tolerance to abiotic stress, and crop quality. Natural biostimulants are a critical ingredient in sustainability and can dramatically reduce the use of ecologically oppressing chemical enhancement and fertilisation.

BioGrow Complex
The Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) BioGrow Complex, is a highly-economic regenerable general high-powered biological bionutrification growth accelerating phytonutrient system equally useful for crops and rehabilitation plantings in all conditions. Differing from BioStim, a primary general bionutrification process, BioGrow, is used to nutrify very poor or depleted soils and inoculate growing mediums. BioGrow is a natural phytonutrient accelerating growth system for small acre to broad acre crops and rehabilitation plantings, including dry or water-soak plantings. The system can also be blended with a permeable, soils and particulates binder and stabilizer (BioBindActive) and can be applied at concentration and saturation rates tailored to the receiving medium and plant requirements. The solution binds the soil assisting in erosion and evaporation reduction, allowing to-soil permeation through the bound surface, maintaining the light seal reducing from-soil evaporation when dry. BioGrow can also be blended with BioSeal to assist in soil and surfaces management. The process sustainably improves the growth of crops and rehabilitation plantings in dry to water soak areas

BioNute Elixir Simplex
The Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) BioNute Simplex is an organic nutrient booster which may be added in the form of ‘starter charge’ and/or slow-release formulations. Adjusting of nutrification practices utilising moisture retaining treatments, watering patterns may be necessary according to the need as an integral constituent of seedling raising & advancing mixes to improve moisture retention and biological nutrification colonisation. Saturation with the appropriate beneficial biological complexes adds a new dimension by providing rapid nutrient uptake and being relatively slow to break down while improving the multiplying of a multitude of beneficial biology. 

BioFert Complex
The Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) BioFert Complex, is a highly economic regenerable general bioorganic bionutrification growth maintenance phytonutrient system equally useful for crops and rehabilitation plantings in all conditions. Differing from BioGrow and BioStim, primary general biological process, BioFert, is used to maintain nutrification of beds, plants and crops following BioStim and BioGrow inoculation, and developmental support of growing mediums and plants High-Nutrient Elixir Simplex High-Nutrient Elixir Simplex is a highly economic regenerable distillation of  minimal risk specialised fungal mediums to develop an exceptionally highly nutrifying  inoculation elixir. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute High Nutrient Elixir Complex is a liquor created by correct-balance blending High-Nutrient Elixir Simplex with BioStim,  which is becomes a balanced bionutrification and wetting assistance solution.

BioMax Complex
The Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) BioMax Complex, is a complex symbiotic combination of Advanced SABR process organics and biostimulant processes delivering  highly advanced  balanced Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere bionutrification. Earth Sustaining Biotechnology has been working with extended Bionutrients experiments originally developed by NASA, for testing a way to use microorganisms to off-Earth and on-demand to produce nutrients that will be critical for human health in space. Earth Sustaining Science Biotechnology focused upon developing soil and plant (cultivation) bionutrients (bionutrification) to advance simple, on-demand natural soil contamination treatment/management and economic natural nutrient production systems for all levels of cultivation at both domestic and commercial levels. BioMax is a proven compete complex symbiotic biological combination of advanced Rhizosphere, and Phyllosphere developing balanced bionutrification. Organic fertilisers are fertilisers derived from animal matter, animal excreta (manure), human excreta, and vegetable matter (e.g. compost and crop residues). Naturally occurring organic fertilisers include animal wastes from meat processing, peat, manure, slurry, and guano. In contrast, the majority of fertilisers used in commercial farming are extracted from minerals (e.g., phosphate rock) or produced industrially (e.g., ammonia). Organic agriculture, a system of farming, allows for certain fertilisers and amendments and disallows others; that is also distinct from this topic. Natural farming is using what the Earth provides, applied in an intergenerationally sustainable beneficial manner. Organic matter, organic material, or natural organic matter refers to the large source of carbon-based compounds found within natural and engineered, terrestrial and aquatic environments. It is matter composed of organic compounds that have come from the remains of organisms such as plants and animals and their waste products in the environment. Manure (organic waste) is organic matter that is used as organic fertiliser in agriculture. Most manure consists of animal faeces; other sources include compost and green manure. Manures contribute to the fertility of soil by adding nutrient value organic matter, such as nitrogen, carbon and Sulphur that are utilised by soil bacteria, fungi and other organisms. Higher organisms in a chain of life that comprises the soil food web then feed on the fungi and bacteria. Organic molecules can also be made by chemical reactions that do not involve life. Basic structures are created from cellulose, tannin, cutin, and lignin, along with other various proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.

Viable Arid and High Salinity Disturbed Agricultural Lands Remediation, Enhancement and Management
The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute Symbiotic Biotechnology  viable arid and high salinity disturbed agriculture lands remediation, enhancement and management has demonstrated long-term agricultural land, all-natural biological water and soil salinity management followed by commercial level biologically sustained small acre to broad acre polyculture agricultural advancements. The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute teaching, and training programs to advance local and international economic, ecological and food security abilities focuses are:

  1. Effluent & Water desalination.
  2. Water retention and reuse within the landscape
  3. Soil desalination, stabilisation, nutrification and water retention.
  4. Restoration of appropriate levels of ecologically stable native growth and the further development of commercial cropping that advances and supports natural processes.
  5. Diversified land use enabling the maximizing of sustainable ecological, economic and regenerative benefits.