Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute Master Classes

Shared Success Series Master Classes

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute Books

The Shared Success Series

The Shared Success Series has been designed for all those in community, whether those interested in reviewing all approaches, or  the young, unprepared or uninformed, who are on their way to making it in life. The talented up and coming new generation who have ideas, abilities, dreams and responsibilities that with time will become commitments and accountabilities. All the hard work and dedication will not simply lead to outstanding achievements, it may, someday soon, open a whole new world of risk and opportunity. When that day comes, and risk and opportunity is at your feet it will be beneficial that you have a solid understanding of expectations. Risk and opportunity will be in front of all tomorrow’s people just as it was to all of yesterday’s. However, those less than prepared for risk and opportunity are additionally exposed to risk than to opportunity! So, when you are one of tomorrow’s hopefuls in the opportunity stakes, you may need to put into practice the fundamentals that the Shared Success Series shares knowledge in and reinforces: 

  1. Shared Success in Society, 
  2. Shared Success in Business, 
  3. Shared Success in Management of Change, 
  4. Shared Success in Dynamics,
  5. Occupational Health, Safety and Risk
  6. Shared Success in Ecosocietal Ecology, 
  7. Shared Success in SymECulture, 
  8. Shared Success in Community-Industrial Partnerships.

All deliver understanding, design and implementation and management of sustainable solutions. Whether new to potential, or experienced through working hard, honing skills for many years, exposure to accountable risk can be a very daunting experience. Some who enter business or public life are seen by many as an overnight success (remember achieving overnight success can take 20 years). Very little consideration is often given to the behind the scenes learning and effort expended. It is how you are perceived, how you act and how you treat others in society and more directly the immediate community that assists in reducing risk and creating opportunity. That is just the way it is. There are many very important, necessary elements and knowing them before making major decisions concerning risk and opportunity, which are always joined is a far more sustainable approach; it is all about how you assess, how you approach and how you respond. Life can be unforgiving especially when Mindset allows it to be. From the moment society focus their attention, you will rightly or wrongly become a centre of commentary and judgement; be in the spotlight and once that set of events arrives maintaining control is key! This means being prepared. Mindset is perhaps the greatest contributor to control. Many unprepared miss out on opportunities of a lifetime or fall prey to unforeseen or poorly understood and treated risks. So, for all of you with high profiles, and you up and coming life advancers alike, these are some of the things you need to know, and the Shared Success Series can be of great assistance.

The books are reference manuals, self-study, facilitated study, formal instruction, coaching and notes journals all in one as a knowledge sharing practical over technical instructional set of information knowledge sharing programs.

Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor Solutions

The primary Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor Process, the simplex acid mine drainage solution, SABRAMD, was focused upon balanced combinations of bioorganisms tuned to manage pH and reduce metals and metalloids in mining, resources, and industrial processing effluent, permitting the re-use of the output (effluent) as a resource in production and rehabilitation or as compliant environmentally beneficial release. The multiple bioorganism manifold compilations now involve multiplexes of SABR Symbiotic Columns (SABR-SC’s) each formed in a specialized SABR-Cell incubator and advanced by the SABR Biogenerator process. These colonies are then introduced to the solutions structured substrate as symbiotic initiators, integrated as both common and individual solutions cells as a balanced set of polymorph microecologies. The developed SABR process colonies utilizing the microecologies medium, require constant primary management to develop specific columns at volumes calculated according the designed microecological complexity of the system to effective remediation flow and retention rates. The SABR microbiological development process, designed and configured by Wayne Sampey over 26 years, and developed into a structured practical methodology removes the requirement for high level technical scientific understanding permitting practical focus on common application once the system is operating and ESSTech operational support of the system is appropriate. The process has thus far evolved into 47 successful integrated combinations of the primary simplex process, effective across most global climes and locations is straightforwardly constructed and unpretentiously managed. Extensive methodologies to enable the application of inoculation scenarios to resolve system imbalances or overload and develop multiple complex processes accompany each design. A typical SABR system is a set of cells, whether as open cells or mechanical vat systems, operated at determined flow rates dependent upon requirements and available volume. Ideally, existing natural or manmade infrastructure may be used for cell formulation. The process involves the flowing of effluent to be treated through the process system allowing the prescribed residence time in each cell and the entire SABR system, to remediate the issues; the outcome being compliant beneficial effluent. Successful SABRAMD multiple microecology compilations involve seven (7) ABR-Symbiotic simplexes, and three (3) SABR-Symbiotic complexes in SABR-SC’s that function as biosecure microecologies

The SymECulture Systems and Processes

The minimal cost, minimal risk, minimal effort, simple SymECulture cultivation mediums and systems both better deliver to gardeners and increase existing commercial cultivation with the ESSTech SymECulture sharing their research and practical over technical application knowledge in all-natural high performing sustaining cultivation medium and Bionutrification systems and processes which demonstrate as vastly improved soil, cultivation, plant and harvest advancement application. ESSTech Cultivation mediums rapidly develop integrated bioorganic soil composition, and bionutrification liquid concentrate, dilutable 200:1, high yield products. Structured knowledge sharing practices drive simple practical over technical delivery with cultivators to align this ecosocietal leader in sustainable gardening, crop and rehabilitation cultivation and societal values to be shared for intergenerational people-planet-prosperity advancement.

Wastelands To Richlands, is a complete soils, water and cultivation recipe book of simple practical solutions derived from complex natural biology, and you do not have to be a scientist to read a recipe. Awareness is the approach to change – coupled with solutions, it is all empowering. Awareness embraces what we what we think, what we say, what we feel, and what we do. These elements of self may define our practice of life, not necessarily defining who we are. To train the mind is to witness this for ourselves, to be in full control of all these elements, is perhaps the realisation peace of mind. Recognizing that just because a thought appears, we do not need to embrace it, vocalise it or act upon it is a great power! A thought is a thought. It is purely a version of information, which is not an element of open society or communication until acted upon. It is simply a way that we feel at a particular point in time, we must allow competent feeling to assess the thought to ensure that the difference between being the agitation and avoiding agitation. In the end life is simply a collection of thoughts and memories, and how good they are is up to us. Thoughts, words, feelings, and actions are ours to manage. Awareness is developed through experience. Determining wants from needs and right from wrong. You may think about wanting to do something, but do you really need to.  The determination of right and wrong is s commanding force of humanity.