Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology

One Biosphere - Ecology

Respect - Rights - Recognition - Reciprocity (flourishing) The Earth demands a return for every gift received For life in all its forms to continue and multiply

People - Planet - Prosperity and Mindset - Method - Management Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) 2000)

SymECulture Methodology 

Symbiotic ecological permanence in agriculture – inspired purely natural cultivation  embracing achieved realities in the delivery of intergenerationally adaptive solutions focuses upon Intergenerational Ecosocietally Adaptive Cultivation commencing in a philosophy of Shared Success. 

SymECulture is the Science of Natural Symbiotic Biogenic cultivation advancement formulated as Ecosocietally Prosperous Cultivation as an extension of Earth Sustaining Sciences developed and globally delivered science-based practical over technical solutions in:

  • Naturally mineralized, Mining, Industrial, and Agricultural Effluent
  • Disturbed Lands, Environmental, and Ecological Decontamination, and Biological Reformation 
  • Intergenerationally Sustainable Advancement of Simply Applied Complex Biological Science Soil, Cultivation, Nutrification, and Hydration Methodologies
  • Passive full spectrum pH, Salinity Management, and Advancement including functional Biological Desalination
  • Co-creative Economic Wastelands To Richlands Application 

The SymECulture adaptive natural cultivation multiple-level agricultural approach 

SymECulture, an ecosocietally efficient intergenerationally sustainable domestic, and commercial biogenic cultivation methodology is perhaps best understood as a ‘lifecycle bioecosystemic approach’ (Sampey-2020) to adaptive natural cultivation, and commercially viable natural cropping advancement. Delivered through co-creative technical ability, practical experience, and adherence to sound ethics, the SymECulture approach is the applied sciences over technical synergistic biological cultivation delivery of the technical over practical developments in cropping advancement through the management of beneficial in-house created biotechnologies and bioecologies. The advancement of local beneficial biological colonisation balancing, improves positive biological transfers, interactivity, soil nutrification, and hydration management, which advances abilities in the practical cultivation management of crops, natural vegetation, and rehabilitation practices rapidly, and sustainably improving ecological, economic, and societal circumstances. SymECulture is the symbiotic sustaining of the phyllosphere with the primary applications being rhizosphere development cultivating medium co-creative-symbiotic s in biocolonisation, dramatically improving beneficial bioactivity through the advancement of interdependent soil, and plant biota.  This advances the development of naturally robust soils, and cultivation systems to innovate ecologically sustainable reductions in labour, water, and nutrition demanding situations, assisting in developing true permanence in agriculture perspectives. Abiding technical structure, practical experiential configuring, and adherence to sound ethics, the SymECulture approach supports, and improves soils, crops, natural vegetation, ecological, economic, and societal circumstances. Earth Sustaining Sciences has over 20-years reviewed multiple cropping methodologies in multiple countries, and climates on the path to determine the most desired cultivation ideals. This led to the development of  SymECulture systems, and process to facilitate continual improvement of soils, plants and associated ecologies. The approach is certainly not new; many agriculturally efficient centres in the Middle East and Asian Nations, South American Nations, and Papua New Guinea, for example, have practiced versions of this style of cultivation for many thousands of years. Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology have simply perfected their version of it with a philosophy to simply and economically advance the development, and application of ecosocietally sustainable science-based micro, mezzo, and macro cropping centred upon biologically, and geochemically managed purely natural soils, and cultivation mediums producing high-yield, high-value results to co-operative practical realisation. The delivered outcome is the simpler delivery of crops, using less water, chemicals, hydrocarbon-based fertilizers, and effort, to achieve improved higher quality produce, and economics. Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology is advancing their scientific centrus,  practical SymECulture cultivation to global domestic, and commercial communities focused upon intergenerationally ecosocietal shared success advancement. Earth Sustaining Sciences designed, and developed the SymECulture methodology, which in 2019 following the final 8-months of cultivation trials was proven at the Tilligerry Permaculture Research, and Education Farm, NSW, as a simple highly effective polyculture cropping process through the application of tailored biota-manifold assisted cultivating mediums, seamlessly coupled with multiple biostimulation variables. The methodology is anchored by tailored locally developed, specifically developed microbiota matured organic compost complexes, natural geochemical soil stabilisation processes, and natural mature minimal risk natural bionutrient enrichment and management processes.

Multi-disciplinary science application in beneficial design 

The balanced melding of multidisciplinary sciences applications in agriculture, and natural environment management through the integration of economic, high yield intergenerationally sustainable polyculture processes appropriately synthesise rapidly deliverable solutions to both simple, and complex soil, and cultivation situations. In this case, the multidisciplinary science application refers to the research, and knowledge determined set of flexible processes that synergistically equally beneficiate the commercial, and natural environment for societal serving food production. The technically achieved solutions result in simply applied minimal tilling techniques comprising the progressive enhancement of naturally occurring biological processes, and focus upon the minimum change for maximum benefit development of:

  • Production techniques, (growing medium development, companion cropping, bioorganic fertigation) 
  • Natural improvements in crop quantity and quality,
  • Minimised pests effects on crops cooperatively maximising soil and plant health and vitality, 
  • Transformation of natural primary product values, 
  • Reduced water use, nutrification, waste management and energy consumption 
  • Effective use of the various sciences relating to cultivation and agricultural resources and the environment, i.e., soil science, agroclimatology, biology of crops and animals (crop science, animal science and their included sciences, ruminant nutrition, animal welfare), economics, rural sociology and agricultural engineering, 
  • Balance between upstream and downstream terrestrial, and aquatic ecosystems and interface enhancement.

Upstream outcomes 

Preservation of natural systems, aquifer protection, and surface water management delivering intergenerationally sustainable productivity, through Land use design that ensures sustaining soils, and cultivation mediums delivering improved volume, yield, and quality in agricultural with reduced contaminant inputs applications encourage symbiotic natural habitat, and agricultural landforms, further enhancing profitability, and biodiversity. Water conscious functional design, and application that ensures the effective management of natural resources, and processes including the minimisation of groundwater use and the appropriate use, and preservation of surface water assists communities’ development of existing ecosystems, societal and cultural viability.             

Downstream outcomes

  • Enhancement of natural systems, water management delivering intergenerationally sustainable productivity. 
  • Land development of applications that provide for the enhancing of biodiversity in both natural habitat and cultivation/agricultural landforms. 
  • Water development of conscious functional design and application that ensures the effective management of natural resources and processes including the minimisation of groundwater use and the appropriate use and preservation of surface water.

Minimum Change For Maximum benefit

Complex Biology – Simple Application – Intergenerationally Adaptive Ecosocietal Achievement   

Shared Success

Earth Sustaining Sciences Commercial SymECulture processes are structured around minimum risk for maximum benefit solutions in land, water, agriculture, environmental, and ecological asset management. The focus of the systems, is aligned to the principles of permanence in agriculture, as without some form of permanent agriculture there is a risk of limited permanence intergenerational society, is to advance efficient, and effective ecosocietal prosperity. The ESSTech tailored in-house solutions approach delivers cost effective, practical, and intergenerationally sustainable agricultural, and environmental rehabilitation solutions. 

Cultivation Methodologies 

Earth Sustaining Sciences, continually reviewed, and developed multiple plant, and crop growing methodologies over the last 20 years to continually discover the most desired crop, and plant ideals, and the advancement of sustaining systems, and process to facilitate continual improvement of soil, plant, and associated ecologies. Our hypothesis on a broad scale is that the continuation of gossip-oriented opinions, and belief patterns vs science based simple, effective, economic growing techniques, and developments centred upon biologically, and geochemically managed natural soils, and growing mediums will produce superior results. The aim is the advancing of centrus science-based cultivation knowledge, and the extending this knowledge to the greater community. Earth Sustaining Sciences is driven in the support of intergenerational ecosocietal shared success advancement based upon a sustaining agricultural delivery system. As a rule, most who can diversify from gossip-oriented opinions, and repetitive commercially, and otherwise-fostered controlling belief patterns, and improve practical over technical curiosity, and delivery of science-based practical outcomes will assist in the advancing solutions, and contribute to forward, and laterally sound discussions, and practices advancing intergenerationally sound methodologies.  Research agrees that there is ample information on the topic of plant cultivation, and that the majority of the information available tends to share similar scientifically supported opinions. Our studies suggest that the focus should be the soils advancing cultivation medium development using a managed amount of all systems, not predominantly nitrogen, as nitrogen used to excess o may inhibit the fruiting phase in plant life. (Eutrophication, excessive richness of nutrients in water bodies frequently due to run-off most commonly of oversupplied nutrients, such as nitrogen and/or phosphorus, leads to overgrowth of plants, and algae in aquatic ecosystems. After such organisms die, bacterial degradation of their biomass results in oxygen consumption, progressing an anaerobic environment, characterized by the lack of free oxygen, in contrast with an aerobic environment that is rich in oxygen. Although oxygen-free, the anaerobic environment may possess atomic oxygen bound in nitrites, sulphites and nitrates, thereby having the potential of creating and equally undesirable circumstance of the state of hypoxia or excessive oxygen. Global peer consultation, and research delivered recommendations, which concurred with the Earth Sustaining Sciences position in using limited amounts of direct nitrogen in the nutrification, and instead balancing nitrogen biologically. Research has been completed on the importance of greater balance in soil-water retention, and readily achievable reduced water need, and usage on a much larger scale. Earth Sustaining Sciences advocates the testing of water and water application amounts on a weekly basis in order to determine, and maintain combinations, which prove to be the most successful in the specific location, biological combinations, and ecologies especially with both hydration, and eutrophication management in mind. This will vary from farm area to farm area, and even cultivation area to cultivation area including comparative symbiotic approaches to the immediate, and multiple season weather patterns. The SymECulture soil and plant bionutrification, and hydration management approach when correctly, simply applied, is easily expanded to the broad-acre application in the real world. The current reality is that globally, we all have, and will continue to rely upon farmer supplied food produced with artificial chemical systems, and processes. Large scale change cannot realistically move that fast as to modify the status-quo in the short-term. Masses need to be fed. Realising this-Effective Beneficial Change Can and Must Commence Somewhere! Many agricultural operations are basically compelled to use copious amounts of chemicals, and additives on their soils, plants and crops to achieve what they understand as commercial reality. These chemicals, and additives include herbicides, pesticides, soil stabilisation mediums, and fertilisers, to boost crop production, and more often than not are to the detriment of the ecologies, and environments. While farmers using these chemicals do produce highly valued, high-volume crops that benefit society, and economies, they are continually, more advancingly, depressing the intergenerational ecologies, and the greater biosphere, therefore intergenerationally sustainable society. The alternative wherever suitable, is to conduct commercial farming as close to natural farming practices as sustainably, commercially viable. Scientifically supported genuine naturally focussed cultivation, and farming can be a commercially productive economic element of agriculture. Natural farmers do not as a rule use chemical fertilisers or pesticides on their soils, and crops. For fertilisers, compost or manure is used as the primary base commodity and managed to suit the entire ecology. This is most effective as proven, when conducted in a manner that directly utilises the developed-extracted, and effectively mobilised beneficial biota developed from the manure en-mass, instead of simply adding manures etc., to the soils and allowing the slow process to apply itself- which does not meet commercial yield requirements. Hence the development of SymECulture methodologies. Instead of herbicides, weeds are utilised as beneficial elements, mulched out, and/or managed by natural elixir methodologies. 

Instead of weakening the soil in, which they farm by using chemicals, and other non-natural products, the soil is enriched by natural biological enrichment enhancement. This leads to long-term ecosocietally sustainable progressive farm production. It is nothing new, however, the world has simply, through commercially motivated chemical, and technological development, been convinced to over apply the mass mono-culturalist cropping mentality to most agriculture, and Resistance to Change is a Powerful Procrastination Tool! So which methodology is really most ideal? Commercial farming supported chemical and other additives has been working economically successfully since 1867 (Germany). There is even generally a crops’ excess every year. It is also true that commercial organic farming to date generally produces less, takes longer and is generally only appropriate if one is willing to sacrifice quality control and the immediate ecological and environmental safety for mass production. SymECulture now negates this position. 

On an even larger scale, one could look at the global effects. 

  • Every day, our planet becomes increasingly polluted. 
  • Should we continue over injecting our planet with even more harmful unnecessary chemicals?
  • Once rich and strong natural soil is now generally weakened to the extent of absolute failure!
  • Modified by chemicals, and other contaminants such as mining metals, sulphates, and hydrocarbons with trees and forests   increasingly retarded or simply destroyed against all sensible reckoning, justified by profiteering generated rhetoric.

Natural non-GMO, soil, and water conservative farming nurtures soil, ecologies, the environment and economies. When correctly, and effectively committed to, in factual functional approaches utilising sustainably measurable systems and processes, it can also have a locally, and globally effective economic, ecology, and environment remediation, and rehabilitation, and intergenerationally sustaining effects. 

Materials and Methods Tailored Growing Mediums 

Overall, ESSTech promotes the management of soil nutrition, and hydration through the local development, and use of tailored cultivation mediums, which are seamlessly symbiotically coupled with plant biostimulation variables. 

The growing mediums are be broken down into 5-groups of simply structured, finely tuned biological manifold enhanced tailored:

  1. Bioorganic enhanced compost complexes, 
  2. Seed starting complexes, 
  3. Seedling advancing and transplanting complexes,
  4. Matured structured soil enrichment complexes, 
  5. Matured tailored sustainable natural soil complexes. 

Compost is a major component of rich soil, and cultivation conditioning mediums adding nutrients to the soils, and plants, greatly assisting soil moisture retention. They do not call it “black gold” for nothing. When the appropriate mixtures are effectively bionutrified to advance the sustainable rhizosphere interrelationships, and interactivity development process, it can be the absolute difference in symbiotic cultivation, and crop achievement while maintaining the progressive integrity, and longevity of the soil. The tailored bionutrified organic compost complexes symbioses’ is the single most important complement provided for cultivation mediums, and plants. Microscopic organisms tailored bionutrified organic cultivation medium complexes, break down organic materials for plant use, help aerate the soil, enable superior nutrient transfer and maintenance, and assist to ward off pests and plant disease. The secret to healthy tailored bionutrified organic cultivation medium complexes is to maintain a working balance between elements. Healthy tailored bionutrified natural cultivation complexes should have much more carbon than nitrogen. Carbon-rich matter aids in providing organic cultivation its light, fluffy body. Nitrogen or protein-rich matter provides raw materials for enzymes development. Being mindful of ammonia generation is of great importance. If not corrected it will, depending upon quality, be highly detrimental to the productivity of the mix, and the end soils, and growing results. Good cultivation medium hygiene means covering fresh nitrogen-rich material, which can release odours if exposed to open air, with carbon-rich material, which often exudes a fresh, cleaner smell. If in doubt, add more carbon! The smell of ammonia from composting or organic cultivation mediums volume is an indicator that the pile has become anaerobic, and/or that there is potentially too much nitrogen in the mixture. If the volume is outdoors, and exposed to the weather, frequent rainfall saturation of the pile may be to blame the for anaerobic conditions and can be corrected by covering the pile. Another cause could be poor physical structure within the composting or organic cultivation mediums volume (high bulk density, low porosity) that limits oxygen diffusion towards the centre. This can be fixed by: 

  • Correctly mixing a bulking agent into the volume, to create larger pores to improve air and water movement, 
  • More frequent mixing or ‘turning’ of the volume may replenish oxygen supplies and stimulate decomposition. 
  • Too much nitrogen in the pile can be corrected by mixing in some high-carbon, decomposable substrates like hay to stimulate microbial demand for nitrogen.

A more attuned methodology is to bionutrify the complex utilising stable pH managed biological nutrification columns to enhance bacterial, and biological colonisation to drive positive activity. 

Finally, it is possible that the composting or organic cultivation mediums were inadequate in maturity, and imbalanced balanced in the first place or during development, not completely stabilised, especially when not sampled or effectively managed to proven applied sciences. Non-empirical or non-scientifically considered complex validated opinions. and unqualified ‘ideas’ are mostly just that. Guess work mostly fails, where, planned acceptably proven applied sciences function mostly succeeds. After the high-activity thermophilic stage is complete, there is residual ammonium in the composting or organic cultivation medium that is eventually converted to nitrate as microbial energy supplies within the volume are depleted. Ammonia is an indicator that there is still energy in the volume, and decomposition has not reached what is usually referred to as ‘maturity’. This can be corrected by simply letting the compost sit for a longer period of time, until decomposition has slowed. Compost stability and maturity measurement techniques can include carbon dioxide and ammonia production, heat generation, oxygen consumption, as well as testing the germination rate of plants. Adding a percentage of organic garden soil to your composting or organic cultivation volume will help to mask odours, and endemic microorganisms in the soil will accelerate the stabilization process. 

Distinguishing Natural Biostimulants from Artificial and/or Chemical Crop Advancement Inputs 

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Bionutrification System activates soil and plant biology delivering sustainable, highly productive advancements.

  • Natural Biostimulants differ from commercial fertilisers, regardless of the presence of nutrients in the products. They differ from other crop protection products by acting on the plant’s vigour while supporting direct actions against pests and disease.
  • Natural Crop Biostimulation complements to crop nutrition, crop advancement, harvest improvement and ecological support. 
  • Plant biostimulants stimulate natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance, and crop quality.

Smart Growth develops an economy based on practiced knowledge and innovation for a societally prosperous bio-based economy. Sustainable growth promotes a continually improving resources efficient, greener, and quality competitive economy while inclusive growth fosters an improved employment, business generation, and advancing productivity economy delivering local, regional, and national cohesion. Improving nutrient uptake efficiency induces superior quality, and yield, facilitating nutrient assimilation, translocation, and use increasing plant tolerance to, and recovery from abiotic stresses. Enhancing quality attributes of produce, including carbon and cellulose content, colour, fruit seeding advances sustainability rendering more efficient water use, and enhancing soil fertility by fostering development of complementary microorganisms.

ESSTech BioStim Complex 

ESSTech BioStim Complex, is a highly economic regenerable biological bionutrification general growth stimulation solution liquor created from complex bioorganics. A natural soil, and plant biostimulant containing micro-organisms whose function when applied to soils, and the rhizosphere (the region of soil in the vicinity of plant roots in which the chemistry and microbiology is influenced by their growth, respiration, and nutrient exchange) is to stimulate natural processes to enhance/benefit nutrient uptake efficiency, crop quality, and the plant’s tolerance of abiotic stress. Natural biostimulants are a critical ingredient in sustainability and can dramatically reduce the use of ecologically oppressing chemical enhancement, and fertilisation. Plant biostimulants contain substance(s) or micro-organisms whose function when applied to plants or the rhizosphere is to stimulate natural processes to enhance/benefit nutrient uptake, efficiency, and tolerance to abiotic stress, and crop quality.

ESSTech BioGrow Complex 

ESSTech BioGrow Complex, is a highly economic regenerable general high-powered biological bionutrification growth accelerating phytonutrient system equally useful for crops and, rehabilitation plantings in all conditions. Differing from BioStim, a primary general bionutrification process, BioGrow, is used to nutrify very poor or depleted soils, and inoculate growing mediums. BioGrow is a natural phytonutrient accelerating growth system for small acre to broad acre crops, and rehabilitation plantings, including dry or water-soak plantings. The system can also be blended with a permeable soils, and particulates binder, and stabilizer (BioBindActive), and can be applied at concentration, and saturation rates tailored to the receiving medium, and plant requirements. The solution binds the soil assisting in erosion and evaporation reduction, allowing to-soil permeation through the bound surface, maintaining the light seal reducing from-soil evaporation when dry. BioGrow can also be blended with BioSeal to assist in soil and surfaces management. The process sustainably improves the growth of crops, and rehabilitation plantings in dry to water soak areas. 

ESSTech High Nutrient Elixir Simplex

ESSTech High Nutrient Elixir Simplex is a highly economic regenerable distillation of minimal risk specialised fungal mediums to develop an exceptionally highly nutrifying Inoculation elixir. The high nutrient elixir complex is a liquor created by correct-balance blending High Nutrient Elixir Simplex with BioStim, which is becomes a balanced bionutrification, and wetting assistance solution. Arid and high-salinity lands viable agriculture enhancement, and management has demonstrated long-term agricultural land, all-natural biological water, and soil salinity management, followed by commercial level biologically sustained small acre to broad acre polyculture agricultural cultivation advancements.

ESSTech BioFert Complex 

ESSTech BioFert Complex, is a highly economic regenerable general bioorganic bionutrification growth maintenance phytonutrient system equally useful for crops, and rehabilitation plantings in all conditions. Differing from BioGrow and BioStim, primary general biological process, BioFert, is used to maintain nutrification of beds, plants, and crops following BioStim, and BioGrow inoculation, and developmental support of growing mediums and plants. 

ESSTech knowledge sharing and learning programs 

ESSTech knowledge sharing and learning programs to advance local and international economic, ecological, and food security abilities focuses are:   

  • Water desalination Water retention, and reuse within the landscape,
  • Soil desalination, stabilisation, nutrification, and water retention,
  • Restoration of appropriate levels of ecologically stable native growth, and the further development of commercial cropping that advances, and supports natural processes,
  • Diversified land use enabling the maximising of sustainable ecological, economic and regenerative benefits. 

Beneath the Soils 

The issues beneath the soils of many global centres in significant need of food, and fodder production development, and environmental and ecological stabilisation are often immense salt-stores with the movement of sub-surface water so slow that the restoration to fertility of salt-affected land is generally forecast to take generations is ignored as too difficult. It is claimed that in some areas even if the replanting of up to 80% of the native vegetation would not see recovery within normal human generation timescales. It is a tragic irony that the felling of many billions of trees to make room for monoculture farming and resources exploitation, which let Australia prosper in just 150-years has become one of the worst environmental crises, and destroyed a natural balance that existed for millennia. Farmers are now openly fearful as they watch intergenerational livelihoods degrade, and the economy suffer multiple billion-dollar losses. 

Water issues 

Water is a fundamental element of the global economy. Generally in areas without healthy water resources or agriculture, societally wide economic growth is restricted or difficult to sustain. Without access to clean water, nearly every industry suffers most notably, agriculture. As clean or fresh, unpolluted water scarcity grows as a global concern, food security is also brought into consideration. A major issue for agriculture is the increasing salinity of soils, and water brought about by excessive clearing, geological structure, and over extraction of ground and surface water without adequate replenishment. Agricultural water, is water committed for use in the production of food and fibre. 

On average, 80 percent of fresh water drawn from surface, and groundwater is used to produce food, and other agricultural products. With modern advancements, crops are being cultivated year-round in countries across the globe. As water usage becomes a more pervasive global issue, irrigation practices for crops are being refined, and becoming more sustainable. While there are a variety of irrigation systems, these may be grouped as:

  • High flow and low flow and must be managed precisely to prevent runoff, and
  • Over spray, or low-head drainage 50-years ago.

The common perception was that water was an infinite resource. At that time, there were fewer than half the current number of people on the planet. Affluence was not as high, individuals consumed fewer calories, and ate less meat, so less water was needed to produce their food. They required a third of the volume of water we presently take from rivers. Today, the competition of water resources has increased in intensity. This is because there are now close to eight billion people on the planet, their consumption of cereals, meat, and vegetables is  continually rapidly increasing.

Successful agriculture is dependent upon farmers having sufficient access to water. To avoid a global water crisis farmers will have to find ways to more effectively find, manage, and utilize water to increase productivity to meet growing demands for food, while industries, and cities also must also find ways to use water more efficiently. However, water scarcity is already a critical constraint to farming in many parts of the world. Arid regions frequently suffer from water scarcity. It also occurs where water seems abundant, where resources are over committed. This can occur where there is over development of hydraulic infrastructure, usually for irrigation. The adage of water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink can be applied here as plenty of water but too much salt or delinquent minerals. 

Water Solutions 

Earth Sustaining Sciences has created the first all-natural, economic, ecologically, environmentally, and societally sustainable all-natural water desalination process. The advanced modified Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR) processes, is to date highly successful in managing pH, and stripping metals, and metalloid contaminants from mining, and industrial water in conditions displaying 0.5 pH to 14 pH, and biologically reduce salinity. Earth Sustaining Sciences BiODesalination-SABRBODS successfully delivers economic, sustainable salinity-reduced water, and arable soils. The ESSTech Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor Bioorganic Desalination Solution (SABRBODS) process, was perfected following more than 25 years of development. The result being an effective, affordable complete set of solutions in all-natural methodology water, and soils desalination, in synthesis with the bioorganic nutrification, wetting, binding, and surface stabilisation of soils in a single agricultural SABRSoil-Lifecycle system. Earth Sustaining Sciences (ESSTech) has delivered solutions in seawater desalination, reducing salinity from 35000 ppm to below 50 ppm and in one set of treatment from 45,000 ppm to 0.35 ppm, and salt lake, and agricultural soils, and water from 27000 ppm to less than 50 ppm in extended research, and development applications demonstrating the SABR process’ ability to overcome any challenge thus far exhibited. The SABRBODS process is a unique combination of naturally occurring, localized, cooperative bioorganisms formed into column-cultivated manifolds or SABR Symbiotic Colonies (SABR-SC). Thus far, 367 different SABR manifolds have been developed, and proven in a wide range of conditions. The process delivers commercially viable societally sustainable management solutions to challenging effluent, and contamination, especially in mining effluents and agriculture. The SABRBODS process, passive, local taxon structured water and soil treatment systems have thus-far successfully remediated all globally presented soil, and water challenges with the demonstrated ability to raise the pH to 8.7 pH (up to 9 pH) or reduce it from 14 pH to 6.1 pH balancing the realized effluent to neutral, stripping up to 99% of bioavailable metals, and metalloid contaminants, and significantly reducing salinity (now up to more than 95%). The approach is to utilize the SABR and SABRBODS processes, in ecosystem-friendly bioremediation, desalination of seawater, saline ground, and surface water, and the re-invigoration of soils at commercial levels making them available for sustainable agricultural use. The SABR and SABRBODS processes reduce natural, and agricultural environment loss due to salinity, and the growing intergenerational societal risks that water. and soil contamination present.

Soil Solutions

ESSTech created an all-natural, economic, environmentally, and societally sustainable Agricultural Soil Lifecycle process (SABR-SLP). The process is a culmination of the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR) Acid Mine Drainage, Alkaline, Red Mud, and associated effluents management, and the ESSTech SABR BiODeSalination processes, coupled with the all-natural enhancement, and advancement processes, and systems. The result is a highly effective, affordable complete set of all-natural solutions in agricultural soil treatment and support delivering metals and metalloid contamination, desalination, bioorganic nutrification, wetting, binding, and surface stabilisation, and sealing in a single process. The SABR bionutrification process provides soil carbon, and stimulates biological activity, and growth support while the binding, and wetting processes improve the containment, and carrying abilities and coupled with the sealing process in reducing evaporation, and erosion while allowing precipitation influx. The SABR-Soil Lifecycle System (SABR-SLS) is a combination of microbiological supplemented organic carbon improving elements, irrigated or sprayed in volumes calculated according to soil, and crop needs. The Earth Sustaining Sciences approach is to utilise the SABR-SLS, in ecosystem stable bioremediation, and reinvigoration of soils at sustainable commercial agriculture levels. The Earth Sustaining Sciences SABR, and SABRBODS processes reduce agricultural and natural environment loss through salinity and the growing intergenerational water, soil and societal risks that high level chemically supported agriculture, industrial, mining and natural contamination present. The Earth Sustaining Sciences SymECulture-Symbiotic Cultivation System naturally enhances and activates soil, and plant biology delivering a sustainable, highly productive multiple focus organically derived program.  Sustainable Growth promotes a continually improving resources efficient, greener, and competitive economy. Inclusive Growth fosters an improved employment, business generation and advancing productivity economy delivering local, national, and regional cohesion. Improving nutrient uptake efficiency induces superior quality, and yield. Facilitating nutrient assimilation, translocation, and use.  Increasing plant tolerance to and recovery from abiotic stresses. Enhancing quality attributes of produce, including carbon and cellulose content, colour, fruit seeding

The Symbiotic Aquatic Bioreactor (SABR) Process

The Earth Sustaining Biotechnology SABR processes deliver intergenerationally viable environmentally sustainable all-natural solutions for the mining, resources, and agricultural industries and natural environment regeneration practices and projects, equally understanding the requisites and methodologies for functional advancement in commercially viable business, culturally endorsed societal serving enterprise and environmental and ecological advancement. The culmination of 26+ years of research and development has delivered unprecedented solutions and processes which required world travels and demonstrations to allow those who could not grasp the functions of the SABR process to see the deliverables first hand. ESSTech and the founder, Wayne Sampey are the developers of the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor process (SABR), the world’s only proven all-natural, balanced economically and environmentally viable solution for process affected 0-14 pH water and soil remediation and rehabilitation that additionally provides cost effective organic cultivation and fertigation. The process remediates previously thought untreatable contamination issues, allowing their conversion into viable alternatives. SABR is effective in remediating to usability, areas affected by metals, metalloids and pH imbalances resulting from mining, processing, agriculture and natural events. Our agricultural advancement systems yield extremely effective, all-natural, low risk, growth enhancement tuneable and scalable for most soils, crops and climes. We are also in the advanced stages of delivering all-natural, low cost, SABR based complete desalination processes (SABRBODS). We understand that one of the greatest business risks to the future of agriculture, mining, and industry is the evolution of environmental guidelines forced upon commercial entities (including farmers), governments and the private sector by contemporary society. While governments, and society supported mass clearing of lands to advance agriculture, they now see fit to blame farmers for much of the salinity problems. To quote a Western Australia Wheatbelt Natural Resources Management (NRM) CEO  who at a seminar said directly to a room full of farmers, “We don’t want solutions to salinity, the farmers need to adapt.” This from a government allied, and federal funded agency! Few farmers challenged! Obviously grown weary, and accepting the status quo! Or perhaps not wishing to bite the Grants Hand!  Well, opinions vary! Globally, society wants, and needs solutions! We do not need and should no longer tolerate continued less-than able ´positive-agenda neutering´ by demonstratably less than capable office dweller ideocratic continuums in intergenerationally destructive rhetoric! The global populations are now realising with rapidly expanding understanding that many governments who deliver lamentable laws, minimal governance, and support, and their politically correct focused, often agenda-serving protagonists that demonstratively border on disregard, and disrespect for the rights, and recognition of the land, environment, ecology, and affected parties, are unfortunately rarely left holding the accountability for disturbed, sites and societal destruction. This monumentally exacerbates issues that the mining closing agency generally does not have the interest or ability to manage, continuing to place accountability for government, and bureaucratic sponsored rhetoric, and inadequacies on the taxpayer, because environmental security bonds are mostly poorly calculated, poorly administered, and often dispersed by treasury to other priorities. Why else are there so many delinquent mine sites in the world? Often poorly regulated ecosocietal degradation is placed solely at the at the feet of the private mining, industrial and agriculture entities, when following in depth investigation, the regulators could be considered as contributors to the failures. Conversely, mining, industrial, and agriculture entities, ingratiated in the commerciality focus, often achieves closed door tacit approval for visually operative, but functionally unsuccessful, and even useless solutions more often than suitable, and manageable effective site closure, expertly return accountability firmly to the feet of the governments that deliver lamentable laws, and governance, thereby maintaining the adamantine cycle. There is the continuing claim that required environmental remediation, and rehabilitation of mining, industrial and agricultural activities is not cost efficient, although most, when promoting activity for projects approval, claim it is, and that it will be carried out; generally, to revert to excuses when required to act, and sacrificing generally inadequate negotiated environmental security bonds rather than deliver profit affecting solutions. The SABR process has successfully proven in multiple globally provisioned solutions that such effective management, remediation and rehabilitation is now cost effective, and intergenerationally sustainable; deliverable by local persons, and groups, when trained, and supported through The Earth Sustaining Sciences Institute.

Earth Sustaining Sciences SymECulture Methodology

Symbiotic Ecological Permanence in Agriculture 

When correctly and effectively committed-to, in factual, and functional approaches, utilising sustainably measurable systems, and processes, the biologically structured SymECulture approach will also have an effective sustaining remediating, and rehabilitating effect. “The simple functional achievement of beneficial living organisms´ symbiotic relationships’ with their physical surroundings is the sustainable advancement of permanence in agriculture.” (Sampey 2020).

The History of Permaculture 

The Realities In 1929, Joseph Russell Smith created an antecedent term as the subtitle for Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture, a book which sums up his long experience experimenting with fruits and nuts as crops for human food and animal feed. Smith saw the world as an inter-related whole and suggested mixed systems of trees and crops underneath. This book inspired many individuals’ intent on making agriculture more sustainable, such as Toyohiko Kagawa who pioneered forest farming in Japan in the 1930s. The best definition of Permaculture or permanent agriculture and permanent culture is “One that can be sustained indefinitely!” Several have modified, revolutionized, advanced and/or manipulated the practice of permaculture design, but few have revolutionised Permaculture! Most practitioners are so busy with demonstrating gardens and personal interactions with Permaculture that they drift passed the true concept that Permaculture or permanent agriculture and permanent culture is “one that can be sustained indefinitely!” The fail in the delivery of the ‘Permanence’ and believe they are true and efficient ‘Permaculturalists and Permaculture ‘Practitioners’ if they simply follow the Permaculture principles in their own way without achieving effective sustainable outcomes. Permaculture or permanent agriculture and permanent culture “one that can be sustained indefinitely!”  is not simple a set of design principles centered on whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilising the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems without sustainable practice and outcomes. It uses these principles in a growing number of fields from regenerative agriculture, re-wilding, and community resilience. These are the Principles of Permaculture – The means by which to effectively design Permanence in Agriculture in any given application. We may therefore consider that most Permaculturalists or Permaculture Practitioners are Permaculture Designer who are yet to incorporate the ability to maintain Permaculture or Permanence in Agriculture. To simple blame the fact that it does not rain, and the crops die, or seeds wont germinate because the growing mediums and soils are incompetent is NOT Permanence in Agriculture. Design does not deliver solutions…it is simply an inclusive stage incorporating organised and functional methodologies, potentially achieving a more suitable result. Permaculture The actual term permaculture was coined by David Holmgren, then a graduate student at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education’s Department of Environmental Design, and Bill Mollison, senior lecturer in Environmental Psychology at University of Tasmania, in 1978. It originally meant “permanent agriculture”, but was expanded to stand also for “permanent culture”, since social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming philosophy. It has many branches including ecological design, ecological engineering, regenerative design, environmental design, and construction. Permaculture also includes integrated water resources management that develops sustainable architecture, and regenerative and self-maintained habitat and agricultural systems modelled from natural ecosystems. The twelve principles of permaculture most commonly referred to were first described by David Holmgren in his book Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability (2002). They include Observe and Interact, Catch and Store Energy, Obtain a Yield, Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback, Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services, Produce No Waste, Design From Patterns to Details, Integrate Rather Than Segregate, Use Small and Slow Solutions, Use and Value Diversity, Use Edges and Value the Marginal, and Creatively Use and Respond to Change. In Australian P. A. Yeomans’ 1964 book Water for Every Farm, he supports the definition of permanent agriculture, as one that can be sustained indefinitely. Yeomans introduced both an observation-based approach to land use in Australia in the 1940s and the Keyline Design as a way of managing the supply and distribution of water in the 1950s. Holmgren noted Stewart Brand’s works as an early influence on permaculture. Other early influences include Ruth Stout and Esther Deans, who pioneered no-dig gardening, and Masanobu Fukuoka who, in the late 1930s in Japan, began advocating no-till orchards and gardens and natural farming. Bill Mollison, “father of permaculture” Bill Mollison (father of Permaculture) said: “Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labour; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system.” In the late 1960s, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren started developing ideas about stable agricultural systems on the southern Australian island state of Tasmania. Dangers of the rapidly growing use of industrial-agricultural methods sparked these ideas. In their view, these methods were highly dependent on non-renewable resources, and were additionally poisoning land and water, reducing biodiversity, and removing billions of tons of topsoil from previously fertile landscapes. They responded with a design approach called permaculture. This term was first made public with their publication of their 1978 book Permaculture One. Among some of the more recognizable names who received their original training within Mollison’s Permaculture Design Course system would include Geoff Lawton and Toby Hemenway, each of whom have more than 25 years’ experience teaching and promoting permaculture as a sustainable way of growing food and providing for human needs. Simon J. Fjell was a Founding Director of the Permaculture Institute in late 1979 and a teacher of the first Permaculture Design Course, having first met Mollison in 1976. He has since worked internationally. By the early 1980s, the concept had broadened from agricultural systems design towards sustainable human habitats. After Permaculture One, Mollison further refined and developed the ideas by designing hundreds of permaculture sites and writing more detailed books, such as Permaculture: A Designers Manual. Mollison lectured in over 80 countries and taught his two-week Permaculture Design Course to hundreds of students. Mollison “encouraged graduates to become teachers themselves and set up their own institutes and demonstration sites. This multiplier effect was critical to permaculture’s rapid expansion.” However, some critics suggest that this success came at the cost of effectively weakening permaculture’s early social aspirations of moving away from an industrial form of society. They argue that the self-help model of permaculture instruction has had the effect in the west, of organizing students into the sort of market-focused individualistic sets of social relationships permaculture initially opposed. The focus became delivering the Design principle with little application of the science required to develop true permanence in agriculture – the original ethos. The permaculture movement also spread throughout Asia and Central America, with Hong Kong-based Asian Institute of Sustainable Architecture (AISA), Rony Lec leading the foundation of the Mesoamerican Permaculture Institute (IMAP) in Guatemala and Juan Rojas co-founding the Permaculture Institute of El Salvador. SymECulture – Symbiotic Ecological Permanence in Agriculture “The simple functional achievement of beneficial symbiotic relationships of living organisms’ with their physical surroundings in the sustainable advancement of permanence in agriculture.” Sampey 2020. In more than 20 years’ of witnessing Permaculture practitioners and practices in many countries it became highly apparent that most practitioners are so busy with demonstrating gardens and personal interactions with Permaculture that they drift passed the true concept that Permaculture or permanent agriculture and permanent culture is “one that can be sustained indefinitely!” They often fail in the delivery of the ‘Permanence’ and believe they are true and efficient ‘Permaculturalists and Permaculture ‘Practitioners’ if they simply follow the Permaculture principles in their own way without achieving effective sustainable outcomes. Permaculture or permanent agriculture and permanent culture “one that can be sustained indefinitely!”  is more than a simple a set of design principles centered on whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilising the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems without sustainable practice and outcomes. It uses these principles in a growing number of fields from regenerative agriculture, rewilding, and community resilience. These are the Principles of Permaculture–the means by which to effectively design Permanence in Agriculture in any given application. We may therefore consider that most Permaculturalists or Permaculture Practitioners are Permaculture Designers who are yet to incorporate the ability to maintain Permaculture or Permanence in Agriculture. To simply blame the fact that it does not rain, and the crops die, or seeds wont germinate because the growing mediums and soils are incompetent is NOT Permanence in Agriculture. Design does not deliver solutions…it is simply an inclusive stage incorporating organised and functional methodologies, potentially achieving a more suitable result. The Comparative Permaculture – SymECulture Principles. 

12 Permaculture Principles

12 SymECulture Principles

1.     Observe and interact

1.  Effectively observe, design and interact    

2.     Catch and store energy

2.  Manage sustainable energy    

3.     Obtain a yield, apply self-regulation

3.  Advance sustainable yields          

4.     Accept feedback

4.  Synergise valuable feedback             

5.    Use and value renewable resources and services

5.  Use sustainable resources and practices  

6.    Produce no waste

6.  Manage and utilise all waste              

7.    Design from patterns to details

7.  Actual sustainability in design       

8.    Integrate rather than segregate, use small and slow solutions

8.  Sustainably synergise all practices         

9.    Use and value diversity

9.  Effectively manage diversity   

10.    Use edges and value the marginal

10.  Effectively utilise all cropping areas  

11.    Creatively use

11.  Effectively incorporate and manage use 

12.    Respond to change

12.  Respond sustainable change