Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology

One Solution - Mindset - Embracing One Time Intergenerationality

Personal values, Cultural values, Philosophical values, Group values, Frame of Mind - Engaging Feelings Embracing Ecosocietal Considerations in All Things

It is imperative that as individuals, communities and societies that we identify the primary factors factor(s) affecting immediate specific biological processes to produce insightful advances in ecology and environment. We can take charge of effects and deliver individual, community and societal rapid, meaningful intergenerationally adaptive solutions anthropogenic disturbances, without money, scientific degrees and latent agendas. Our biosphere’s diverse ecosystems are succumbing to integrated stressors including societal and climate changes, broad spectrum biological degradation, soils depletion, salinization, and excessive richness of nutrients in lakes or other water bodies, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life, or eutrophication, caused by agricultural fertilizers). Individual stressors, that elicit their own suite of environmental effects, become collective and integrated. Their interactions often unpredictably or uncaringly identically affect micro and macro ecosystem function and result in perpetuation of ecosystem disturbance. Realising and acting upon integrated issues as a single complex is the imperative. Symbiotic issues require symbiotic solutions. Reversing the multiple monopolisation by chemical fertilisers, and other collective chemical disturbance such as mining effluents, and the resultant degrading of ecologies and environments facilitated by deforestation is perhaps the single biggest potential on the planet. The Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR) Process developed by ESSTech is a foremost ecosocietal solution to reversing the multiple negative effects of chemical fertilisers, mining effluents, biologically depleted, and salinized lands. 

The greater the appreciation that the Earth as a biosphere is simply a complex of integrated ecosystems of which the human race, is merely an element, and alongside the baseline nature of the planet are equally the most destructive,  will lead to, mutuality in beneficial values. The more we realise that fear, greed and insecurity of those who have never honestly toiled the land, will always oppress those who rely upon subsistence farming while yearning to thrive.

A growing appreciation that collectives of multiple stressors simultaneous effects upon  immediate and greater ecologies (biosphere) is obviously destroying the balance of biogeochemical cycling, ecosystem productivity, and therefore biodiversity. Simple ecosystem science equates to comprehensive appreciation of multiple stressors, resulting in greater abilities in natural interpretations of antagonistic activities and the implementation of synergistic outcomes.

In many environments, ecosystem multifunctionality in simultaneously providing systemic balance has been equally fatally floored through anthropogenic and natural degradation; however in the vast majority, this has reversed as demonstrated by the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR) Process offers solutions inspired by a more holistic valuation of biological systems. The simple minimal-risk multifunctional approach provides for the balancing of individual functions to the collective, simply embracing and engaging the complexity of ecosystems in their mutual support to achieve lateral interactive outcomes that progress intergenerational adaptivity. Intergenerational adaptivity will provide for situations where distinct ecosystem responses continue to or once again mutually benefit one another, producing sustaining ecosystem multifunctionality responses.

Embracing the One-Time Intergenerationality Mindset

The has never been a more precedented time to reverse the governing entities and frontline media disempowering rhetoric of think globally-act globally. By this we mean the encouraging of the placement of efforts into ineffectual protests and helplessness which allows further unapologetic enslaving control of the individual, collective masses and of actions. It is time to replace being puppetised and pauperised by the incompetent fools ingratiated in bureaucratic management and the filling of associates coffers. As world needs protestors, more-so it needs practical solutions. In reality, groups of protestors will not change the world, it is simply opinions focused upon those who only utilise the efforts as smoke screens for greater greed, agitation and control. Many of the most pressing environmental challenges we face are exacerbated by the present generation׳s governing decision-makers refusal to act in the best interests of society and the future of the biosphere. The current trend is seemingly attuned to inhibiting present and intergenerational altruism. Positive environmental and societal interactions and relationships have a major influence on altruistic behaviour, especially in young children. We need to show children by example to think locally-act-locally. Remember when your mother continually made you tidy your room and pick up after yourself. This demonstrated and taught responsibility. We live in one-time; we all have a shelf-life, we are by necessity adaptive as maybe the biosphere that sustains us when we become mutually beneficial in positive change. We need to see the past, present and future as one-time; the past affects the present, as the present affects the future. Societally, we are powerful influencers of the current and future position. It is a priority to make one-time decisions that positively improve all-time outcomes giving greater consideration to our all life providing biosphere. One-time positive-co-creative energies and activities focused upon shared success are achievable in all we do. As we all look to society as a single one-time collective, we will empower ecosocietal (mutually beneficial economic, ecological, and societal) solutions delivery. We need to consider that truly intergenerationally sustaining, is only achieved through ecosocietally adaptive practices that enhance ecosocietal empowerment. Ecosocietal (one-time-all time) empowerment, therefore, is more than participation or engagement. It implies synergy, shared responsibility, and mutually adaptive beneficial positive-change action, which is a process of re-defining energy focus to achieve a greater good. It recognises that as some are empowered, while others positively share and constructively participate. In today’s world, the local and global are ever importantly inextricably linked. Action on one, by nature influences the other. Ecosocietal empowerment recognises and strategically acts upon inter-relationships ensuring solutions are focused upon both local and global levels. The local application delivers the greatest immediate effect, which creates global improvement opportunities. To consider one-time. One-time brother, one-time sister, one-place everywhere, sets one-time as the very fabric that binds us in the expanse of all-time.