Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology


We all live in One-Time. A time filled with infinite possibilities. A Time To Envelop Change, Empowerment advances us intergenerationally as adaptive elements within the single biosphere.

We need to see the Past, Present and Future as One-Time. The Past affects the Present, as the Present affects the Future. Societally, we are powerful influencers of the current and future position. It is a priority to make One-Time decisions that positively improve All-Time outcomes giving greater consideration to our biosphere which provides for all life. One-Time positive-creative energies, focused on shared success are achievable in all we do. As we all look to society as a single One-Time collective, we will empower ecosocietal (mutually beneficial ecological, economic, and societal) solutions delivery. We need to consider that true sustainability, is only achieved through ecosocietally sustainable practices that enhance ecosocietal empowerment. Ecosocietal (One-Time-All-Time-Intergenerationally Sustainable) empowerment, therefore, is more than engagement or participation. It implies synergy, shared responsibility and mutually beneficial positive action for improvement. A process of re-defining energies focus to achieve a greater good. It recognises that as some people are empowered, others will positively share and constructively engage and participate. The complexities of local and global dimensions add to the process of ecosocietal empowerment. In today’s world, the local and global are inextricably linked. Action on one positively influences and impacts on the other. Ecosocietal empowerment recognises and strategically acts upon inter-relationships ensuring solutions are focused upon both local and global levels, with the local application delivering the greatest immediate effect, leading to global improvement opportunities. To think One-Time; One-Time Sister, One-Time Brother, One-Place-One-Everywhere; sets One-Time as the very fabric that binds us in the expanse of All-Time. Therefore, One-Time, is universal. Now is the Time that is charged with the energy for current and future solutions. The only way forward is as One, in One-Time-All-Time!

The Shared Success Philosophy views the glass as half-full, always, with enough to share!
The shared success philosophy combines essential knowledge, positive design and practice to achieve continually improving, holistically sustaining intergenerational circumstance. The focus upon People, Planet & Prosperity through Respect, Rights & Recognition is one of positive, insightful observation envisioning the biosphere as a single system of which human society is simply an element. The ability in facilitating deliverable knowledge and solutions transfer to allow all elements to be considered in a single harmonious sustaining ecosocietal prosperity advancing model is shared success which fully embraces the concept that the Earth is a single biosphere, evoking one sustaining approach to people, planet & prosperity, (ecosocietal prosperity) through enduring partnerships; assembling ethical cultural and physical patterns which function to benefit life in all its forms.

The practice of shared success is the innovation of beneficial advancements through positive-creative sustaining activity. A direct focus upon ‘greed free agreements’ that deliver reciprocal benefits in economics, ecology and society through positive actions in practice, arts, language, lore, and law centred upon intergenerationally sustaining delivery of functional ecosocietal symbiosis; the core of ecosocietal prosperity. Culturally valued societal mutualism is paramount in developing and maintaining intergenerationally achievable advancements in government, industry and community, while reducing unnecessary erosions in ecology, culture and economics. The immediate and long-term objectives are to improve ecocultural stability and ecosocietal resilience in a prosperous framework of Mindset-Method-Management:

Inspired belief in the achievement of beneficial change through positive creative activity.

Mentored appreciation and application of dynamic societal heritage through respect rights and recognition.

Enduring ecosocietal value of functional design leading to sustaining, beneficial outcomes.
The Earth’s biosphere, or the ‘ultimate world’ in which we live (environment) is the only natural one we have. We continually accept the rhetoric that no-one wants to destroy the environment. It accepted by ineffective action or ‘default’ to be completely appropriate for sectors of the legal and scientific professions, governments and corporate entities to validate the destruction of vital sections of it under the guise of some form of globally significant advancement. The ‘environment’ is also used to justify many spurious positions, depending upon the desired agendas, focus and outcomes. We need to view the Earth’s biosphere, or the ‘ultimate world’ in which we live (environment) is the only natural one we have. We continually accept the rhetoric that no-one wants to destroy the environment. We need to view the Earth as a single entity, a single biosphere/ecology of which humanity is simply an element. Ecosocietal development is the achievable intergenerationally adaptive futures model.