Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology
Intergenerationally Adaptive Ecosocietal Solutions
Ecologies – Environments – Agricultures – Resources – Societies
Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology advanced the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR) Process, the world’s only proven all-natural, economic, environmentally viable process affected 0-14 pH water and soil remediation and rehabilitation solution additionally provides cost effective organic crop and natural growth developing and advancing sustaining multichannel bionutrification methodologies. As specialists in intensive cultivation biodevelopment, The Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology delivers world-first natural, cost-effective rhizosphere and phyllosphere enhancing microbiological processes and systems. Sampey, created and perfected the all-natural Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor process (SABR) that economically and expediently delivers acid mine, acid rock drainage water and soils solutions proven remediation from less than 0.5 pH to neutral and high pH industrial effluent solutions, in soils and clays (proven remediation from greater than 13.8 pH to neutral). Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Biotechnology extends to, BioSolve, BioStim, BioGrow, BioNute, BioMax, BioActivate, BioBind, BioSeal, BioBoard, BioBrick, and SymECulture systems. BioBrick is an in-field manufactured process for flooring, paving and building bricks from almost any sands, and soils including volcanic sands, and beach sands.
Respect - Rights - Recognition - Reciprocity
Respect - Rights - Recognition - Reciprocity (flourishing) The Earth demands a return for every gift received For life in all its forms to continue and multiply
Respect - Rights - Recognition - Reciprocity (flourishing)
Personal values, Cultural values, Philosophical values, Group values, Frame of Mind - ENGAGING FEELINGS
Ecosocietal Considerations in All Things
Earth Sustaining Sciences, (ESSTech) is an innovative operation that provides disturbed and depleted lands solutions and implementation of remediation & rehabilitation. All leaders in respective fields, ESSTech expertise encompasses all aspects of projects from design, through development to execution.