Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology


Earth Sustaining Sciences Solutions Teams, have extensive experience in mining, resources, industrial, energy, agricultural, environmental and societal, planning, practice and solutions application across the globe.  Earth Sustaining Sciences operations teams equally understand the requisites and methodologies for functional advancement in commercially positioned, societally serving enterprise supporting environmentally and societally sustainable industry advancement. We have extensive abilities and experience in sustainable operations  assessment, design, development and advancement of business and societal management according to multi-faceted governance, incorporating regulatory administration, auditing, guidance, and practical/technical management systems design, development and implementation.  Earth Sustaining Solutions teams focus upon advancement of functional intergenerationally sustainable operations through the application of structured management systems and practices. We deliver sustainable management models that seamlessly integrate operational corporate societal responsibility creating, developing and managing positive commercial, regulatory and societal outcomes. Our teams provide boardroom to on-ground guidance and practice in commercially viable sustainable mining, resources, energy, agricultural, environmental, ecological and societal business systems and behavioural solutions. The focus is primarily the prevention of, and the sustainable remediation of situations that negatively affect the triple bottom line. We are environmental impact and solutions management specialists utilising our tailored corporate and ecosocietal systems and processes that have proven their value across the globe over many years. The corporate societal responsibility model focuses on design, development and implementation of policies, programs and practices. The teams have extensive experience with multicultural and politically diverse greenfield and brownfield start-up and operations experience in remote and difficult locations. We champion cross-cultural development and integration to produce socio-culturally sustainable economic outcomes that equally advantage peoples and business by leveraging social resources and generating societal capital by promoting responsible and sustainable social opportunity within and between diverse cultural frameworks to deliver shared growth and community and nation supporting cooperative opportunity. 


Sampey, with Earth Sustaining Sciences, created the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor Bioorganic Desalination Solution (SABRBODS) which has delivered outstanding results in agricultural soils and water desalination and seawater desalination and is now being advanced to commercial levels allowing solutions to be applied in broad acre cropping and lands remediation. We advanced the Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor (SABR) process, to date highly successful in managing pH and stripping metals and metalloid contaminants from mining and industrial water in conditions displaying 0.5 pH to 14 pH, to biologically remove salinity (biodesalination) delivering economic, sustainable freshwater and arable soils.

The Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Aquatic BioReactor Bioorganic Desalination Solution (SABRBODS) process, was perfected following more than 25 years of research. The result being a world-first effective, affordable complete set of solutions in all-natural water and soils desalination, and synthesizes with the bioorganic nutrification, wetting, binding and surface stabilization of soils in a single agricultural SABR-Lifecycle process. Earth Sustaining Sciences has delivered solutions in seawater reducing salinity from 35000 ppm to below 2000 ppm and salt-lake and agricultural soils and water from 27000 ppm to less than 50 ppm in extended research and development demonstrating the SABR process’ ability to overcome any challenge thus far exhibited. The SABRBODS process is a unique combination of naturally occurring, localised, cooperative bioorganisms formed into manifolds or SABR Symbiotic Colonies (SABR-SC). Thus far, 360 different SABR-SC’s have been developed and proven in a wide range of conditions. It delivers commercially viable management solutions and is a societally sustainable management solution to challenging effluent and contamination, especially in agriculture.  The SABRBODS process, passive, local tax on structured water and soil treatment systems have thus-far successfully remediated all globally presented soil and water challenges with the demonstrated ability to raise the pH to 8.7 pH (up to 9 pH) or reduce it from 14 pH to 6.1pH balancing the realised effluent to neutral, stripping up to 99% of bioavailable metals and metalloid contaminants across and significantly reducing salinity (now up to more than 95%). The approach is to utilise the SABR and SABRBODS processes, in ecosystem-friendly bioremediation, desalination of seawater and saline ground and surface water and the reinvigoration of soils at commercial levels making them available for sustainable agricultural use. The SABR and SABRBODS processes reduce natural and agricultural environment loss through salinity and the growing intergenerational societal risks that water and soil contamination present.