Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology


More than its artistic, scientific or technical works, the greatest human achievement is the recognition of its own dysfunction.

It is Time to Embrace Achieved Realities and Deliver Actual Solutions.

Demonstrated through technical ability, practical experience, and adherence to sound ethics, this approach when applied in communities, environments, and cultures, most times improves economic, ecological, and societal circumstances.  Multi-disciplinary science application in beneficial design SymECulture, is Sampey׳s Earth Sustaining Sciences Symbiotic Biotechnology integrated multidisciplinary sciences application to cultivation. It is the embracing of ecological, environmental, & agriculture rehabilitation and sustainable improvement through the integration of balanced biogenic elements as an Intergenerationally Adaptive Symbiotic Cultivation methodology which synthesizes various disciplines to reach rapidly deliverable ecosocietal solutions to both simple and complex situations. In this case, the multidisciplinary science application refers to the research and development knowledge realisation determining sets of flexible activities that synergistically transform the commercial and natural environment for the societal serving production of plants and animals. The technically achieved solutions are practically applied interlocking and enhancing naturally occurring biological processes with a focus upon minimum change for maximum benefit. Facets such as production techniques, (land use, companion cropping, bioorganic fertigation), improving of productivity, enhancing quantity and quality with appropriate natural change, minimising the effects of pests on crop, animal and natural systems cooperatively maximising health and vitality. Transformation of primary products value adding into single stage processes embraces the both the prevention and correction of adverse environmental effects (soil and water degradation management), excess water use, over fertilisation, waste management and energy consumption). Balanced theoretical/practical crop production and ecological modelling, effective use of the various sciences relating to agricultural resources and the environment, i.e., soil science, agroclimatology, biology of crops and animals (crop science, animal science and their included sciences, ruminant nutrition, animal welfare), economics, rural sociology and agricultural engineering, become the combination balance between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and upstream and downstream interface enhancement.   Upstream outcomes
  • Achievable intergenerationally adaptive preservation of natural systems and water management.
  • Land design that ensures the cultivation/agricultural applications encourage biodiversity enhancing natural habitats and land forms. 
  • Water conscious functional design and application that ensures the effective management of natural resources and processes including the minimisation of groundwater use and the appropriate use and preservation of surface water.
  • Communities’ preservation of existing ecosystems and societal and cultural viability.    
Downstream outcomes 
  • Achievable intergenerationally adaptive preservation of natural systems and water management.
  • Land design that ensures the cultivation/agricultural applications encourage biodiversity enhancing natural habitats and land forms. 
  • Water conscious functional design and application that ensures the effective management of natural resources and processes including the minimisation of groundwater use and the appropriate use and preservation of surface water.
  • Communities’ preservation of existing ecosystems and societal and cultural viability.    
Simple focus – complex achievement – Shared Success Earth Sustaining Symbiotic Biotechnology SymECulture Systems are structured around minimum risk for maximum benefit solutions for land, water and agriculture assets management. The focus of the systems, aligned to the principles of permanence in agriculture, as without some form of permanent agriculture there is a risk intergenerational society, is to advance efficient and effective ecosocietal prosperity. Earth Sustaining Sciences approach of tailored in-house solutions delivers cost effective, practical and intergenerationally sustainable agricultural and environmental rehabilitation solutions. The associated farm operations developed as ecological, societal, ecological, environmentally positive SymECulture/Permaculture with a sound ethical based intergenerationally sustainable focus. Under the direction of Richard Barker, the farm and operations facilitate sustainable ventures that have a strong sense of  purpose and tangible goals that meet and support societal needs. As a founding element, the farm philosophy and methodologies encourage self and societal development through the building of a SymECulture/Permaculture environment in business and relationships, teaching practical over technical application of applied multidisciplinary sciences with ecosystem design and organisation skills frameworks in easily understood delivery and instruction.